Useful links for investigators
- CCMO register: The public CCMO register contains both the core data and the results of research involving human subjects.
- Clinical Research in the Netherlands – Legislation & Procedures: Free English-language online course on legislation and procedures on clinical research in the Netherlands.
- Children and research: Information for professionals, parents and children about children and medical-scientific research. (Only in Dutch.)
- NFU BROK Academy: Clinical investigators linked to the UMCs are required to complete the BROK course (‘Basic Course on Regulations & Organisation for Clinical Investigators’).
- ‘Onderzoekswijs’: Free e-learning course of the CCMO for clinical investigators wishing to gain knowledge on laws and regulations concerning medical scientific research in the Netherlands.
- ToetsingOnline: Web portal for submission, review, registration and publication of medical research involving human subjects.
Participating institutions: UMC Utrecht, Prinses Máxima Centrum for pediatric oncology and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek