Welcome to MREC NedMec
Welcome to MREC NedMec
The Medical Research Ethics Committee (MREC) NedMec is a recognized medical research ethics committee to which the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, the Princess Máxima Center for pediatric oncology and the UMC Utrecht are affiliated. Through its national scope, the MREC NedMec reviews not only for researchers at its member institutions, but also for various other researchers and (government) institutions in the health care sector.
The committee draws on broad expertise, with experienced members from the various disciplines. It is therefore able to swiftly and effectively review all types of medical research, including the most complex trials. In addition, MREC NedMec has specific expertise and a unique position in the area of reviewing research into (pediatric) oncology, oncological drug research and research involving children.
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Consult the CCMO website for more information on clinical trials with medicinal products, clinical investigations with medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical device (IVD) performance studies:
- CCMO 'Clinical trials with medicinal products' (CTR)
- CCMO 'Clinical investigations with medical devices' (MDR)
- CCMO 'Performance studies using in-vitro diagnostics' (IVDR)
Institutional Policy: For questions and more information about your institution's policy on medical research involving human subjects, please see the pages below:
Participating institutions: UMC Utrecht, Prinses Máxima Center for pediatric oncology and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek